The D1 Mini is a breadboard-compatible WiFi development board based on the ESP8266. This board is compatible with the Arduino IDE and with NodeMCU. All of the I/O pins have interrupt, PWM, I2C, and one-wire capability, except for pin D0. The board comes with three different sets of header pins: long-pin female headers, standard-pin female headers, and male pin headers. You can solder the set you choose to your board. The long-pin female headers are our favorite since they allow you to plug the board into a breadboard while also having female headers available on top of the board.
The board includes an on-board USB Micro connector and USB to serial (UART) converter, making it easy to power and program the board by simply connecting it to your computer with a USB Micro cable. We offer a board similar to this called the ESP8266 D1 R2 V2.1.0 WiFi Dev Board that is shaped like the common Arduino UNO footprint.
Microcontroller | ESP8266 |
USB ↔ Serial Converter | CH340G |
Digital I/O Pins | 11 (see note 1 below) |
Analog Input Pins | 1 |
Flash Memory | 4MB |
Board Dimensions (not including pins) | |
Length | 34.2 mm (1.35") |
Width | 25.6 mm (1.01") |
Height | 7 mm (0.28") |
Weight (including pins) | 8.26 g (0.292 oz) |